Package menu

For the convenience of our guests we give them an opportunity to order a package meal plan (lunch or dinner) either at the moment of booking or during their stay.

In case of group accommodation there is a possibility to order a meal plan. We accept requests for group meal plans in advance. We will be happy to offer you different option taking into consideration your food preferences, as well as age difference or cultural background and other special factors.

Business lunch

We offer set menus on business lunches at affordable prices. Our menus vary every day. A business lunch consists of a salad, a soup, a main course, fruit and beverages (tea/stewed fruit/berry juice).

Business lunch: from 12.00 to 16.00. Price: 400 RUB.


In the evening you may have a not expensive dinner that includes a salad, a main course and a beverage (tea/stewed fruit/berry juice).

Dinner: from 16.30 to 21.30. Price: 400 RUB.

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